Insurance Claims Unlimited has stocked its “Snack Shack” and ready for another day. This morning when I opened my emails I found nothing but admiration and great news. Here are a few clips of what I read: “David, Wow! You have and are responding beyond expectation actually! I know that you have plenty to do without having to do this; however, the pressure is coming from the very top…London! Thank you for quick and most appreciated response.” another one read “I’m going to let the owner of our company know that we all think you are doing a great job! Your name will definitely be mentioned!” A Director of Claims wrote today “please send a weekly or biweekly invoice recap for any overdue invoices to me for prompt payment.” And the two best I received were “And although working on weekends suck, you are by far my most preferred vendor.” And my reply to that is “THANK YOU and there are NO WEEKENDS during a CAT”. And to TOP them all off was this “Your company is handling this (Hurricane’s Harvey, Irma and Nate) better than anyone else’s.” Again, its the ICU TEAM that makes our company successful and these comments are a direct reflection of the great job THEY are doing – Thanks.